
Worship God and Receive His Protection - UNKULUNKULU AKUBUSISE - 2018 Zulu Christian Video

People often say that "Storms gather without warning and misfortune befalls men overnight." In our present age of rapidly expanding science, modern transportation and material wealth, the disasters that are happening all around us increase each day. When we flip open the newspaper or turn on the TV, what we mainly see is: wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, fires, floods, air crashes, mining disasters, societal unrest, violent conflicts, terrorist attacks etc. All we see are natural calamities and man-made disasters. These disasters are frequently occurring and they are becoming increasingly intense. This onslaught of disaster brings with it suffering, blood, maiming and death. Misfortunes occur around us at all times, emphasizing the brevity and frailness of life. We have no way of predicting what kind of disasters we will encounter in the future. Moreover, we do not know what course of action we should take. As members of mankind, what should we do to break free from these disasters? In this program, you will find out the answer. You will find out the only way to receive God's protection so that you can survive the impending disasters.

Unyazi LwaseMpumalanga, IBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla lasungulwa ngenxa yokuvela nomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, ukubuya kwesibili kweNkosi uJesu, uKristu wezinsuku zokugcina. Lasungulwa ngokuphelele nguNkulunkulu uSomandla ngokwakhe, nakanjani alisungulwanga umuntu. Namuhla, amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, amavidiyo evangeli,amahubo endumiso nokunye sekusabalele umhlaba wonke kwinethiwekhi. Izimvu zikaNkulunkulu ziyalizwa iphimbo likaNkulunkulu. Uma uhlala ufunda amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, uzobona ukuba uNkulunkulu usevelile!
